Aspect No. 14 - El Tumi.

This Aspect, El Tumi is representative of the ancient Tumbagas that existed prior to Los Plateaus y Los Cobreados.

There is much more to be learned as more ancient Tumbagas are uncovered.

El Tumi. is manifested by the following future relics -

  • El Saco Verde - A green staple embellished oversized wool coat with a built-in carrying strap.

  • Camiseta Verde - A double layered jersey tank top with an exaggerated crotch drape.

  • V - Shorts en Verde - A green staple embellished pair of wool shorts with elongated pockets.

  • El Bolso Verde - A green staple embellished wool T-bottom bag with a glass bugle bead fringe detail.


See below for a look into the process.


El Tumi pulls inspiration from another Andian Culture, the Sicán of Peru. Primarily influenced by the shape of the tumi knife, a tool that served both functional and ceremonial uses throughout the Central Andes region. It became the motif I explored with the nariguera, but pushed the embellishment a bit further by weaving in green staples to bridge in the green stapled textile; also acting as a subtle call back to the iconic turquoise tumi from the Sicán culture, a piece from The MET’s collection below.

I folded in another point of reference, layering in the ancient Olmec into the concept. Pulling the green tones from jade pieces I’ve been able to experience from the MFA.